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Guspini ist eine Stadt in Sardinia. Guspini hat 6202 Einwohner. Guspini liegt in der Region "Medio Campidano". The agriculture and mining still form the main economy sectors of Guspini, which is located in the interior of the Costa Verde between Iglesias and Oristano. West of the city, which is popular for its handcraft tradition and knife production, the rocky coast and kilometres long sand beaches with their high sand dunes at the Costa Verde, beautifully shape this area, while the turtles leave their eggs on its beaches, every year. In the city itself, you can visit the church San Nicola di Mira from the 15th century that was built in a late gothic style and in the near surroundings, the once largest mine in Europe, the facility inside the Montevecchio is also worth seeing.

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Titel dieser Seite: Guspini in Sardinia - sights and citizens
Zusammenfassung dieser Seite: The agriculture and mining still form the main economy sectors of Guspini, which is located in the interior of the Costa Verde between Iglesias and Oristano. West of the city, which is popular for its handcraft tradition and knife production, the rocky coast and kilometres long sand beaches with their high sand dunes at the Costa Verde, beautifully shape this area, while the turtles leave their eggs on its beaches, every year. In the city itself, you can visit the church San Nicola di Mira from the 15th century that was built in a late gothic style and in the near surroundings, the once largest mine in Europe, the facility inside the Montevecchio is also worth seeing.

Sardinien - Guspini | Sardinia - Guspini | Sardegna 
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